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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  June 11, 2013 1:40am-4:01am PDT

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to avoid hang-ups. looking fine at 49. an actor you may remember from "beverly hills 90210" buffs up and slims down for a high-profile gig. you're watching "world news now." up and slims down for a high profile gil gig. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ get jig request with it >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by finish quantum powerball. male annouer ] pele are switc anit sng.. l across arica. just c do. ♪ so take the finish shtoe challenge d get up
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given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ i'm so tired i'm feeling so upset ♪ are you sitting on a couch right now watching us because your husband or wife is hogging the bed or snoring? you're not alone. >> yeah. many americans say they have developed issues in their relationships because of the struggle of trying to sleep next to their loved one. abc's dr. jennifer ashton put her husband and their sleep to the test. >> reporter: a quarter of married couples say they sleep in separate beds just to get a good night's sleep. >> i can't deal with this anymore. i can't sleep. >> usually turns out to be somebody stomping off to the couch. >> reporter: i'm embarrassed to admit, i often move to a different room. >> she says i disrupt her sleep, i snore. >> it causes me to wake up from my sleep three or four times a night.
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>> reporter: even though we're both doctors, we have long lasting debated what's going on so we called in professional help. chief researcher wendy troxel. >> what's your goal here? >> reporter: i would like to sleep next to my husband every single night. she put us to test. measuring our brain activity while we slept. the sleep study will confirm scientifically that his snoring disrupts my sleep. the first night, side by side. >> snoring woke me up. >> reporter: with rob, i had 173 awakenings, sleep science lingo for coming out of deep sleep. the next night couldn't come soon enough. >> i get to sleep by myself. >> reporter: but to my great surprise, alone i had 135 awakenings, nearly as many as when i slept with rob. >> there was a link between rob's snoring and you having these little awakenings from sleep. >> reporter: but it wasn't all rob's fault.
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>> you continued to have awakenings throughout the night even when he stopped snoring. >> reporter: because science confirms women are lighter sleepers than men. biologically our brains are conditioned to just wake up. the good news, women are better sleepers than men and quickly fall back to sleep again. but the bad new for women, we often think we sleep worse than we really do. i was proof. the study showed my overall sleep quality was actually excellent both nights. >> your sleep on the night you were sleeping with rob as compared to the night when you were sleeping alone -- >> reporter: be quiet. >> -- was virtually identical. >> reporter: but for rob, he got an extra 20 minutes of deep sleep with me by his side. >> there are health benefits at least for rob sleeping with you. >> now i feel really guilty. >> reporter: because research shows men sleep better with a partner than alone. and protecting sleep for both of us means protecting our marriage.
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it is important to remember to exclude medical causes of insomnia and snoring like sleep apnea, but make sleep a priority, your good health and your relationship may depend on it. dr. jennifer ashton, abc news, new york. >> how cute. >> any sleep issues? >> well -- >> you want to kill him? does he snore? >> yeah. more often than not, i'm doing what the doctor there does. you've got to go or i'm hitting the road. >> you give him a nudge and -- >> yes, very much so. >> we all know that. >> sorry, honey, the secret's out. >> you got to go, man. still to come, the transformation of a former teen idol. >> how the former star of "beverly hills 90210" discovered his six-pack. he debuted that new rock solid body surrounded by screaming women. next half hour, the improvements to the iphone and ipad. big announcements from apple and if they can keep the company on top. we'll let you know. you're watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ getting jiggy with it a former "beverly hills 90210" heart throb is ending his 40s with a hot, sexy new look. >> ian ziering debuting that new look on stage with the chippendales. abc's tai hernandez shows us the new role. >> reporter: 9021 -- oh my. former '90s teen idol ian ziering has hearts pounding again. now at 49, the man formerly known as steve sanders, is leaving ladies in a whole new zip code begging for more. >> back then i couldn't do this. >> reporter: abc news caught up with him at rio hotel in vegas, home of the famed chippendales theater where he reveals how he felt when he got the call. >> immediately my head raced to
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the vision of chris farley and patrick swayze doing that chippendale routine on "saturday night live." i wasn't feeling like the patrick swayze guy. >> reporter: in three months he dropped an astonishing 30 pounds. with those pecs, chiselled abs, mixed with the famous french cuffs the bow tie, you have to wonder how he did it. >> the first five days it was strictly protein. then you stay away from the bad fat, pasta, pizza, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. i have to stop talking. i'm starting to salivate. >> reporter: but it wasn't just a diet. >> i had a vision board the way i wanted to see, 180, and i had the playing cards of chippendales with all these guys on them. it was very motivating. >> reporter: what does his wife think of her sexy new man? >> as the weight came on the pecs started to appear. >> reporter: the "dancing with the stars" alum says it wasn't compared with the days in the ball room. >> "dancing with the stars" was a completely different animal.
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there's five or six things you have to think about with every beat. >> reporter: ian says being eye candy in vegas has been the time of his life. he even says he's invited his old buddies from 90210 to come see the show. >> i got a call from jason. he wants to see the show. luke is definitely coming out. jenny just hit me up on twitter. i got to give a call to shannen. and gabrielle and the other girls and see what's going on. maybe i can get them out here for a party. >> reporter: a 90210 reunion in vegas that will likely stay in vegas. abc news, new york. >> what's his secret? >> suddenly he gets flirty texts from the wife. the secret is don't eat and work out like crazy. >> hey! look at that long hair. when did you grow that hair out? >> i went on vacations and let it grow a little bit. pecs still look the same. >> hair is the only thing that changed. under all of this is that, is
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that what you're saying? >> exactly like that. >> i didn't know that. >> you didn't know? >> i'm speechless. >> you can't see the ripples. >> i had no idea. me either. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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so i know how important that is. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there,
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on the wings of lunesta. i don't think too many men will disagree with this. men are more immature than women. >> i don't think women will disagree with you. >> i believe it. guys don't quite grow up. a new study pinpoints when boys mature. apparently you mature completely at 43 years old. >> that's a long time. >> that's 11 years after women. >> really? >> the maturity between genders finds out males remain immature well into their late 30s and early 40s. i would agree. contrast, age at which women mature is age 32. and eight out of ten women believe men never stop acting childish and their biggest childish guilts are farting, burping, playing video games.
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did i just do that on tv? >> don't think i reached my maturity level. >> you like farts? >> i think they're funny. >> you don't burp? >> no. breaking wind is the number one quality. they're funny. >> i know. >> classic comedy. i'm telling you. so, we're both immature. >> well, we haven't reached our peak yet apparently. this is really cool. have you ever walked down the street and thought, man, oh, man, my phone is about to die. i wish i had a way to charge this without going to a docking station. there's a new campaign on a website where you can raise money and goes to the funds where you're trying to raise money. this is called solepower. you snake a charger through your laces, goes into your foot, plug it into a wire that goes in your battery. you walk. the energy of you walking is
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transferred into the battery. and then you can unplug the battery, put it back in your phone and, voila, have you a charged battery. it's pretty interesting. called solepower. >> and gets you to walk. >> they are trying to raise $50,000 on kickstart. this is a prototype right now. i would buy it. >> awesome. a couple at an ikea met in the photo department, got married eight years later and decided we're going to get married at ikea in the photo department. eight years later they went back to the scene of the crime. they found love in the photo department. it's the one in elizabeth, new jersey. you know that ikea -- >> i pass it every day going home. >> the staff and everybody took part. this is interesting, by the way, it wasn't so -- apparently the woman, her 14-year-old daughter was suspended from school that day and they were running errands with the mom when they bumped into that guy. and the 14-year-old daughter said, he's cute and she egged the both of them on and the rest is history. married at the ikea. wonder if they had swedish
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this morning on "world news now" -- intense manhunt. the 29-year-old whistle-blower in the middle of the government's eavesdropping scandal. his disappearance and the outrage over the secrets he shared. unusual weapon. police say in texas a woman used a high-heel shoe to kill a university professor. what friends say about the suspect as she gets ready to face a judge today. tragic discovery. the 19-year-old indiana woman worried about her safety. what she told everyone before her disappearance. what police are saying this morning. hollywood bombshell, the man who claims he had a six-year affair with michael jackson before his death. is there any truth to the story? that's in "the skinny" today, june 11th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now," with john muller and diana perez. good tuesday morning. that's just one of the many,
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many stories we have in "the skinny." >> we have a bonus "skinny" today. we have so many good stories. >> so many good stories, so many pictures. things you'll be talking about and laughing about all long. we can't wait. we do have to get started with this. we'll begin this half hour with new details on the whistle-blower, edward snowden. the justice department has started the process of charging the 29-year-old high school dropout with federal crimes, even though he disappeared. >> new this morning "the guardian" newspaper who broke the story promises new details. here's abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross. >> reporter: snowden had been holed up in luxury in hong kong, at the mirror hotel. by his own account, every meal came from room service. pillows were stuffed under the door to prevent eavesdropping, he cloaked his face with a red hoot and used the code name verax to communicate with "the washington post". he told "the guardian" he knew the u.s. would be coming after
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him, maybe with hit teams. >> that's a fear i live for the rest of my life, however long that appears to be. >> reporter: u.s. officials said snowden is being pursued only because he revealed secrets used to track terrorists. >> classified information that caused harm to our national security interest is a problem. >> he's a traitor. the president outlined last week that these were important national security programs to help keep americans safe and give us tools to fight the terrorist threat that we face. >> reporter: snowden says americans need to know about the surveillance and collection their government is carrying out. >> the nsa specifically targets the communications of everyone. it ingests them by default. >> reporter: snowden was never under suspicion until he disappeared from his job as a technician at nsa in hawaii around the 1st of may, claiming medical leave for epilepsy. neighbors there said he just vanished one day. his mother in maryland declined to comment, but a neighbor there said snowden was always at his
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computer as a young man. >> i thought he was doing schoolwork. and come to find out, he didn't even graduate from high school. >> reporter: but by the age of 29, snowden claimed he had the top secret resume, for someone who dropped out of high school, starting with nsa security guard, followed by a brief failed attempt to become a special forces soldier. then a huge jump, a cia spy in switzerland, working with computers. and then four years as a civilian contractor working with computers at the nsa in japan, washington and hawaii. where he says he decided to blow the whistle on what he calls the abuse of the privacy rights of americans. wherever snowden is he apparently has with him even more top-secret documents, including the names of hundreds of secret agents. he says he chose to go to hong kong because the territory has a history of allowing free speech, but it also has an extradition treaty with the united states. brian ross, abc news,
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washington. >> wow. >> wow. and there's a lot more to come. >> oh, yes. >> so, glenn greenwald of "the guardian," the newspaper who released all of this, who he went to, says they have a lot more, more to come. the reporter says we'll have a lot more significant revelations that have not yet been heard over the next several weeks and months. he says they're working with the 29-year-old to determine when to release this and how to release this. >> you just hope names of special agents and things don't get released. at any rate, the fbi is taking over the investigation, according to the "new york times" this morning. they're reporting that. agents are trying to locate him and charge him formally in order to extradite him. you have to have formal charges in order to start the extradition process. probably no matter where he goes, you know, it might delay the process if he goes to another country. but probably it's just going to delay it. sooner or later he'll wind up here in the u.s. >> that's what's it sounding like. he has supporters. >> oh, of course. >> there's a faction of people
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who have started to sign a petition to get him pardoned. that's a whole entire other aspect of this story, but there's still two very strong sides to this. >> no doubt about it. day two of jury selection getting under way in sanford, florida, in the george zimmerman murder trial. zimer man is accused of shooting to death trayvon martin 16 months ago. zimmerman was introduced to prospective jurors. the attorneys questioned four potential jurors out of a pool of 500 potential jurors. martin's parent were there, relieved the trial is starting. accused cleveland kidnapper ariel castro appears in court tomorrow. the former bus driver faces more than 300 charges, including rape and murder. he intends to plead not guilty. investigators continue to search his house, where he's accused of holding three young women for nearly a decade. the search for a 19-year-old woman who vanished in southern indiana has apparently ended in tragedy. police announced last night they found a body in a rural area and they believe it's katelyn wolfe, now, they are waiting for positive identification.
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she was last seen early thursday morning. just before she disappeared, though, she posted on facebook she was being followed. a houston woman accused of fatally stabbing her boyfriend with a stiletto heel claims self-defense. ana trujillo. she was due in court this morning to be formally charged. the victim found dead in his luxury high-rise with head wounds. the one man who new trujillo, the gruesome crime was not a surprise. >> twice she told me, if anybody messed with her, she said, i'll get them with this. she's a strong woman. i wouldn't want to get into it. she'd whoop me. >> the boyfriend was identified as a research professor in houston's biochemistry department. girls of any age may soon be able to buy the morning-after pill without a prescription. the obama administration has reversed course and decided not to fight a judge's ruling in the controversial case. women's rights advocates applaud the move saying it was steps forward in productive justice. others argue it takes away parental rights.
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a big section of the country is getting hammered once again by yet another line of severe storms. the wild weather is raking over the south and now moving east, unleashing destructive twisters along the way. abc's david kerley has the latest. >> reporter: the tornado target 40 miles north of nashville, just across the border, hitting adairville, kentucky. >> this just went over top of us. >> reporter: a near perfect funnel formation of this tornado which blew over the small town. one official told us two elderly ladies rode out the storm, huddled together in a bathtub. >> their house is pretty well destroyed, but they both survived with minor injuries. they were taken to the hospital and released. >> reporter: while this tornado was not that wide nor powerful, it still left its mark. >> we had a tornado come through, damaged five to seven houses, pretty well destroyed several barns and buildings. nobody was injured seriously. >> reporter: soon after the storm passed, the sun was out and belongings already being moved out of damaged buildings. firefighters lending a hand.
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this year's tornado season started late but it has been a month to remember. the devastation and death in moore, oklahoma, and then 11 days later, the widest path of destruction on record. >> that whole thing is rotating. >> those are vortices going around. >> reporter: the el reno tornado, 2 1/2 miles at its widest spot. >> oh, my gosh, that is huge. >> reporter: it was. and this is far from the end of tornado season. david kerley, abc news, washington. moving onto your tuesday forecast now. stormy from montana to the western great lakes. showers in the pacific northwest. record heat in the southwest. thunderstorms across south texas, louisiana and florida. morning thunderstorms in the northeast. 78 in new york, 80s from baltimore down to miami and for much of the midwest. 90s from albuquerque to new orleans. triple digits in phoenix and colorado springs. big argument going on right now in west lafayette, indiana. at issue is a big banana painted on the side of a building. >> here's background on that banana.
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a banana is part of the logo of a property called. the building that that giant banana is painted on is owned by that company. >> they say it's meant to be a piece of art. the argument is whether it's protected as a form of speech or should be considered commercial speech and, therefore, regulated. it doesn't look bad -- >> it doesn't look bad? >> i guess it does. and you don't want that as your next door neighbor. >> enormous yellow banana. i don't know about that. >> yeah. as scott said in our ear, our producer scott, has a certain a-peel. nicely done, scott. >> ba-dum. >> yeah, you don't want -- >> what if the house next to is it is for sale? what if i'm trying to sell my house and i have people coming in and they're looking at this huge banana next to the house and they're thinking, first get that thing painted and then i'll think about buying your house. >> i'm with you. >> no thank you. coming up, the man who claims he had a six-year romance with the late king of pop. apple's big announcement and
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the changes to the ipad and iphone. will it keep apple customers as loyal as ever? we'll find out next. ♪ you push a little button ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by the child's fund. ne ghes.
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oh, is it bug bite, allergy, rash, poison ivy? [ male announcer ] thenly medicine you need is lanacane. it stops itching fast. kills germs too. for fast relief, choose lanacane cream or first aid spray.
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♪ you push a little button and goes down ♪ all right. there will be new buttons and a
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whole lot more on the redesigned iphone and ipad. >> apple announced sweeping changes to the operating system. the idea is to make your device easy again. >> reporter: the iphone and ipad are about to look a lot different, or come the fall. apple announced ios 7, the next version of its operating system for the iphone and ipad. they announced it here at the worldwide developers conference. >> ios 7, the biggest change to ios since the iphone. >> reporter: the biggest difference between the software is the design. apple completely scrapped the old design. they did away with the text you might see in game center, that casino look. they've completely created a new look and feel to the software. they've also added a number of software features. it's not just about the design. they've added some new camera features, like the ability to add a filter to a photo, very similar to instagram. they also added some new siri features. siri even has a new voice. >> okay. i found this on wikipedia. >> reporter: they also added new
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usability features. it's easier to multitask when when you double-click the home button you'll see what the actual apps look like. you can go to the control center by swiping the bottom and turn off wi-fi or other handy features you need. >> we see ios 7 as defining a new direction. and in many ways, a beginning. >> reporter: apple is expected to release ios 7 later this fall for iphone 4, 4s and 5. apple is also expected to release a new iphone later this year. joanna stern, abc news, san francisco. >> well, apple also plans to launch a new radio service as well. their hopes are competing with pandora. >> not surprisingly it's going to be called itunes radio. the system lets listeners create stations based on their favorite artists. it has more than 200 stations and includes a social media component. itunes radio about what other users are talking about. it's free but you can expect a couple of ads. so it is identical to pandora
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but it's pretty cool. >> no, absolutely. i finally got an iphone about a month ago. just in time for it to be a relic. >> you're learning all kinds of new things with your phone. >> no, absolutely, and you're helping me. i appreciate that. android, google, microsoft windows phone also have done a lot to improve the look and feel of their software as well, so the next generation. >> that's right. it's going to roll out and it's going to be great, as they always are. i'm an iphone lover. i'm a little biased. tiger woods' ex-wife and jane lynch have something in common. it's not what you think. an unforgettable picture of attorney erin brokovich. "the skinny" comes to you in two parts. starting next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc station.
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♪ skinny so skinny all right. welcome to "the skinny" and we start with a train wreck. >> all right. bring it on. >> rachel uchitel, ex-girlfriend of tiger woods, not the ex-wife, is now apparently getting a divorce from her current husband. his name is mark hahn and he's apparently citing cruel and inhumane treatment and wants out of this -- >> cruel and inhumane? okay. >> wants out of this one and a half year marriage. as you remember, she's the alleged former mistress of tiger woods. this story comes to us from tmz.
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and she is the reason tiger woods kind of -- the flood gates opened up with him and all of these women came forward. she was the first of many. she's also allegedly the reason they got a divorce. elin tiger woods and elin anyway, this mark is saying he's treated unfairly. cruel and inhumane treatment. they've apparently gotten into a lot of altercations. uchitel allegedly slapped him in a recent argument. now, uchitel's attorney says she wants to resolve this amicably quickly, quietly and out of the media. yeah, right. they have a 1-year-old daughter together. i said mark hahn. it's matt. matt hahn. how quickly we forget. another breakup, "glee" start jane lynch and her wife of nearly three years, lara embry, are planning to divorce according to "people" magazine. the "glee" star, 52 years old, embry, 44, met at a 2009 fund-raiser. she was being honored at that, the "glee" star. a year later they were married
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in massachusetts but it didn't work out. lara and i have decided to end our marriage. in a difficult decision for each other. we care deeply for each other and we ask for privacy as we deal with this family matter. >> that's too bad. seem like a happy couple. we've seen on hbo "behind the candelabra" about liberace's life. there was a book also and written by scott thorson, the former lover of liberace. well, he has come out to say that there was a whole lot of other things that these guys were also involved in, him especially, was the secret lover of michael jackson. >> really? >> so he claims, liberace introduced me to jackson in the late '70s when "thriller" was coming out and he and michael became lovers. he talked about this in the national enquirer in 2004 where he said they climbed into bed together and had an hour-long
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love-making session. jackson's attorney at the time denied all the claims. now he's come out in a new interview with "the sun" and he's saying not only was it a one-time deal, we were lovers for six or seven years. he also said michael was very generous, too. he treated me very well. now, there you have it. now, he has a reputation problem. he has a mug shot where he was charged with burglary. that's him. now he's living the high life, back to being on the bunny ranch and admired -- >> and michael can't say anything -- >> michael can't say anything because he's not with us and everyone has something to say about michael. >> amanda bynes. are you ready for this one? she says some seemingly crazy things on twitter. she tweeted she's looking forward to a career as rapper. and listen to this, music producer daniel herman told radar online that he is willing to give the retired nickelodeon star a shot and that they actually will make a rap album. and he said, i think she's more gangster than drake. how about that? coming up in "the skinny," a
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bonus round. >> mug shot you want to see. stick with us. we'll be right back. bonus round. >> mug shot you want to see. stick around. [ female announcer ] what makes you walk a little taller?
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it begins with your skin. venus & olay -- gently exfoliates with 5 blades. plus olay moisture bars help renew goddess skin. only from venus & olay. plus olay moisture bars help renew goddess skin. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there,
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like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet
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and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to the bonus round of "the skinny." there's just so much stuff to tell you about today. we couldn't just do one segment of "the skinny," so here goes round two. we start with an incredible mug shot that we just had to share with you. everybody remembers erin brokovich, the movie back in 2000 with julia roberts. >> oh, my goodness. >> the real erin brokovich was arrested for boating while intoxicated. there she is in all her glory. 52-year-old. >> oh, my goodness. >> yeah, yeah. she's an environmental activist. she has apologized for what happened. this statement was sent out
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sunday. it says -- she looks much better there, by the way. at no point was the boat away from the dock and there was no public safety risk. that being said, i take drunk driving very seriously. this was clearly a big mistake. i know better and i am very sorry. this happened in lake mead near las vegas. her blood alcohol level was twice the legal 0.08. >> do you think she's more embarrassed by the charge or that photo? >> i think it's equally terrible. >> wow. >> well, i shouldn't say that. that's -- >> i mean that's -- >> it's just a bad picture. >> quality mug shot there. >> it is a bad picture. her behavior is -- >> she's probably out there on the boat the whole day but, wow, wow. that's -- the judge is like, punishment enough no, that's not true. kelly clarkson recently got
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marriee put up a picture of her. looking all beautiful on the cover of -- new picture there wearing -- check it out. >> l rn ring there?- >> $1eng apparently at cma music festiv in nashville on saturda the middle of the perfonce cf1sir "stronger," she realizes, i don't have my ring on. and as she's doing this, she's really freaking out my god, where is myg? she tto tit, apologized to her fiancee she twittered, for all my >> twittered. >> tweetered, twitted. thank you. i found my ring. >> oh, good. >> she didn't want to lose that. >> and 150k, arme? >> you btr moving on to just both and he his body guard are being sued by his paparazzi who say they not only seized his memory card, but he pulled out a gun on him. i don't know about this one.
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good morning. i'm diana perez. >> i'm john muller. here are some top headlines we're following on "world news now." the journalist who exposed classified leaked by edward snowden promising new details. he says they will be more significant revelations to come while the search is now on for snowden, who has disappeared. accused cleveland kidnapper ariel castro faces 300 charges tomorrow. investigators are still searching the home where he's accused of holding three young women for a decade. a houston woman is due in court today accused of killing her boyfriend by stabbing him in the head with her stiletto heel. ana trujillo claims it was self-defense. and former nfl star chad johnson is beginning a 30-day sentence. a ft. lauderdale judge threw him in jail after johnson gave his attorney a friendly slap on the
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backside after a plea deal. those are just some of the stories on tuesday, june 11th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now," with john muller and diana perez. >> i think that's what it is. >> we're talking about that friendly pat on the butt. >> i think it was, hey, job well done, thank you for the plea deal. >> he was saying that to his lawyer, thank you, well done. but to the judge -- it isn't that he slapped his lawyer's butt but the judge was like, are you boasting? are you sort of going, yeah? >> and i wonder how much was she wasn't happy with the plea deal to begin with and this was her way of teaching him a lesson. >> 30 days in the slammer for a love tap on the butt. >> could have been a year. >> note to self, don't do that. could have been a year. >> so he kind of got off easy if you look at. we begin this half hour with
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the murder trial of george zimmerman and the issue of race looming large as jury selection resumes today in florida. >> protesters gathered outside the courtroom to rally against zimmerman in the shooting death. now, inside the courtroom, attorneys failed to pick a single juror. here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: 16 months after a single gunshot in this tidy community triggered a national debate about race, prospective jurors in the george zimmerman murder trial were asked the fundamental question -- >> is there any question in your mind that you can be fair? >> no. >> reporter: zimmerman, a white hispanic, shot 17-year-old trayvon martin in february 2012. for weeks national protests and a wave of high school walkouts gripped the nation, even grabbing the attention of the president. >> if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon. >> reporter: the first 100 of 500 potential jurors marched through those doors, filling out a questionnaire, specifically
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designed for this case. >> the bottom line is, you're like a blank slate -- >> reporter: lawyers in court trying to weed out jurors who already made up their mind, talking with friends or family. >> what sides do they take? >> the child's side, of course. he was a child. >> reporter: lawyers also grappling with the thorny issue of racial bias in the jury pool. what are the tales that would let the prosecution or defense know someone is bias? >> they may be subtle but one of the tells is what organizations do you belong to? and are those organizations, organizations that in the past have excluded minorities? the martins -- they talk about your kids specifically by name? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: and the zimmermans. >> we have death threats directed at us for being george's family. >> reporter: in court jury selection bringing tedium, levity and ultimately in a few weeks, six jurors who will decide zimmerman's fate.
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matt gutman, abc news, sanford, florida. a personal dispute apparently led to a shooting at a texas military base. the incident took place at ft. sam, houston's army medical department center and school. an instructor was shot and wounded. she's in serious condition. the suspect later surrendered to police. the police chief says the two were involved in a romantic relationship. hundreds of people gathered last night for a vigil on the santa monica college athletic field to honor those killed last week in the shooting rampage. students returned to campus for the first time since the shootings yesterday as they tried to happened. >> it's very unsettling. i really don't want to be here. the i a because i g to. >> i feel grateful. i don't know. i don't even think i should be alive, but i thank god that i a >> the mr ofpted expressing sadness for the
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families of those who died asking for privacy. a new round of rts h before the nistr is scheduled to meet with anti-government protesters. demonstrators set barrion fin i riot police tried to break up the crowd by firing tear gas, w canber bullets. the protesters are calling the prime minister to step down after a violent police crackdown on a peaceful sit-in in iraq a string of deay bombbaisirns several car bombs across the country yesterday killed nearly 60 people. they are the latest incidents in iraq's deadly eruption of violence sinc8. there were no claim o car bombing are frequently the i nelson mandela remains in the hospital this morning as he's being treated for a recurring lung infection. the ailing 94-year-old former south african president is beginning his fourth day of reatthos
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pretori stable condition. mandela's former wife vis daughter. south africaaski in london queen elizabeth was doing ving herself, prince philip. he's recovering from abdominal surgery yesterday. also happened to92nd he's saio bemfore an in good spirits althoughe's two more wes girls of any age may be le orninp without a prescription obama administration reversed course and decided not to fit con cas women's rights advocates applaud the move saying it's a step forward. others say s the senate is expected to cast its first vote today on the landmark immigration bill clearing the way for debate on sweeping reforms to get under way. the bipartisan measure would offer pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants. fights are expected on the issues of border security, back taxes. 1.6 million americans had their smartphones stolen last year. police have been urging cell phone makers to take action. in the report, apple is offering a solution. >> reporter: apple may be taking a page from "mission
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impossible". >> this tape will self-destruct in five seconds. >> reporter: devices that self-destruct? perhaps not physically, but at the company's big unveiling, a solution that law enforcement has been begging for. a so-called kill switch that could turn a stolen iphone into a useless box. it could be the strongest weapon yet to combat the recent wave of iphone thefts. iphone thefts have become such a problem, there's even a term for it -- apple picking. here in new york city a whopping 40% increase in cell phone thefts just last year. take a look at this dramatic surveillance video from a new york subway in march. police say this man turned to violence just to steal a smartphone. apple's new software warnings with the current soft called find my iphone, which helps you track a lost phone. >> now, with activation lock, if a thief tries to turn off find my iphone or if they even wipe the device entirely, they will not be able to reactivate it. >> reporter: now all eyes are on other phone makers to see if
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they'll follow apple's lead. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> shame we need something like this but it's so bad in chicago, new york, people have been killed for their iphones. >> yeah. that video of that poor man being punched in the face. my goodness. warnings have gone out nationwide over and over again. pay attention to what you're doing, especially if you take public transportation. you get lost in these phones. looking at pictures, sending text messages -- >> you don't know what's going on around you. you don't see someone circling in. >> you lose sight of what's going on around you and that's when people prey on you. >> there's a huge market overseas. the black market for these iphones. >> that's where they send them all. >> that's where they're going. >> they can't send them there if they're just useless boxes. it's about time. >> i used to have a blackberry and i never worried about it. now i have the iphone, i'll be looking around. >> looking around. the company behind those see-through yoga pants that embarrassed women across the country is losing their chief
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executive. christine day says she plans to leave lululemon as soon as a replacement is found. the announcement comes three months after the company was forced to recall its top-selling pants. they were so sheer women were u. lululemon stock was down 14% in after-hour trading. >> i hate it when that happens. >> you do? >> do have you any lululemons? >> i don't think you hate it. >> i was being sarcastic? do you have any? >> no, i don't. you know what, a lot of those pants are sheer, not only from lululemon. >> yeah? >> yeah. especially if you try to pack a whole lot in there. >> nice. >> 15 pounds in a 10 pound sack -- >> doesn't always work. here's a look at your tuesday weather. severe storms from montana through the dakotas and midwest. showers from seattle to portland. record heat in the southwest. scattered thunderstorms along the gulf coast from corpus christi. houston and new orleans. morning downpours in the northeast. >> upper 70s from detroit to new york. 90s from dallas into the central plains. mostly 80s across the midwest.
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60s in pacific northwest. 108 in phoenix. quite a scene in a house in virginia beach. a family knew they had a bee problem so they called in the experts. >> check it out. beekeepers pinpointed the location of a huge hive in the family's dining room ceiling. whoa! they cut a hole and there were tens of thousands of honey bees. luckily they aren't aggressive. i'm getting nowhere near them, just the same. >> no thank you. the beekeepers used a vacuum to capture them. the honeycombs were collected and stored. the colony is being moved to one of the bee keeper's yards and now the family has to repair the hole in the ceiling. >> sitting at the dining room table, going, there's some buzzing up there. >> yeah. that's scary. i'm not a fan. >> mark that down as another thing we're chicken of, bees. >> i'm not a big fan of bugs to begin with, but that noise drives me crazy. a mosquito, a fly, it's going to bite me. i'm going to have a welt, it's -- >> i can deal with a fly. they're annoying, but a bee -- >> moving on. coming up, the arizona
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diamondbacks' decision that might make you stand up and take notice. >> the club's draft pick is a guy who's not played baseball in many years. why this guy was chosen and why the decision might inspire you. and new eye-opening details about marilyn monroe decades after her death is revealing more about monroe and her connection to the kennedy family. we'll tell you. you're watching "world news now." ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lunesta. lunesta. u necessary that. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities
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metamucil. 3 amazing benefits, 1 super fiber. ♪ see that film? people call me about this every day. my dishwasher must be broken. you know, it's not always the machine. it may be the detergent. add finish power up to boost your detergent and you'll see a huge difference. watch what it can do. look at that sparkle! now that's clean! cloudiness! spots! tough stains! even dishwasher build-up! gone! just like that! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow! see the difference! it's a must have! listen, your story line, it makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is too adult for the kids, so i'm going to have to block you. oh, man. yeah. [inhales] well, have a good one. you're a nice lady.
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♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> new details about the final days and even hours of marilyn monroe's life. >> the daughter of a private eye says she has files that reveal disturbing revelations about the sex symbol and her involvement with the kennedys. >> reporter: abc's lindsey davis has the story. >> reporter: fred otash was arguably the most famous hollywood detectives in the '50s and '60s, making a name for himself by spying on tinseltown's biggest stars. >> he was prepared to take anyone for anyone. what he found was eye-popping. >> reporter: otash died in 1992 bit "the hollywood reporter" says it's now seen documents which may back up some of his most eye-popping claims, including he listened in on marilyn monroe in bed with president kennedy and allegedly eavesdropped on an argument with his brother robert hours before her death. >> according to otash, he heard a violent argument between
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marilyn and robert f. kennedy in which she said she was being passed around like a piece of meat. the argument escalated. robert f. kennedy took a pillow, put it over her head to keep her quiet. she calmed down and then he got out of bed. hours later otash got a call saying monroe was dead. >> reporter: monroe's death was ruled a probable suicide from a drug overdose. in his notes he said, i listened to marilyn monroe die. he never elaborated. kennedy has never been implicated. or accused of wrongdoing. >> if he did hear a huge argument between her and bobby kennedy the day before she died, you have to wonder where the tapes are. >> reporter: the lack of those recordings as well as other unsubstantiated claims by otash led those in hollywood to brand him as a con artist. the hollywood reporter says after an unflattering details, his daughter is salvaging his reputation. >> he was working for marilyn
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monroe while taping marilyn monroe. so, when you're a double agent like that, you're not the most trust-worthy guy around. clearly otash knew something, but he's not around to be interrogated. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> fascinating stuff. >> the files are somewhere. get them out. clear his name, right? that's what the daughter is trying to do. let's see the files. >> you hire this guy to work for you and then he's secretly taping you? >> i know. he did this to more than one person judy garland. he apparently wrote about he was the one who cleaned out her beverly hills apartment about all the pills and alcohol after a bitter split from her third husband. >> he also did this to -- i mean, stars upon stars. rock hudson he also did this. i would like to hear these audio tapes. >> i know. pretty fascinating stuff. >> absolutely. still to come, we've heard a lot about photoshopping models to make them skinnier. what about making them bigger? >> we'll explain why the state of california made a little girl look obese.
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you're watching "world news now." we'll have that coming up. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ no surprise photoshopping is prevalent in the modeling industry. the idea is to make models look skinnier than they are or touchups on imperfection. >> now an anti-obesity campaign is making a little girl look bigger than she really is and that's touching off some serious controversy. >> reporter: this smiling, chubby face appears in ads all around california. but this is what the little girl really looks like. much thinner and healthier. it is a state public service ad. the child models extra pounds. the result of photoshopping. >> they're taking a perfectly healthy little girl and photoshopping her to make her look unhealthily obese.
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it's no surprise people are outraged about that. >> reporter: people like author marilyn wahn, who took her outrage straight to the internet asking, how creepy is it to photoshop this child in this manner? if public health messages like lie like this, why should people trust them? the agency behind the ad says the goal is to start a dialogue about healthy eating. in a statement to abc news, a spokeswoman said, this campaign serves to educate parents on the realities and dangers of childhood obesity and get them to change their behaviors. it is hardly the first childhood obesity ad to turn into a giant controversy. >> my doctor says i have something called hypertension. >> reporter: this campaign in georgia used real overweight kids. some called it downright mean. >> if you use real kids you'll be called fat-shamers. on the other hand, if you take this kid and photoshop them -- it really is a no-win situation. >> reporter: other photoshopped ads have gone viral, too, for
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taking too much off. like this ralph lauren ad showing a stick thin model. this new york city diabetes campaign. the disease didn't take the man's leg away. computer magic did. but this ad photoshopped chubbiness and all, shows one thing is clear -- people are talking about childhood obesity and that might just be the point. cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> diana? >> here's what grinds my gear. experts say continuously pointing out a child is overweight by images of overweight kids, often ostracized, is ineffective. so, don't do that anymore. find a different way to portray the problem. >> sure, sure. one of the quotes in the atlanta constitutional journal says, we need to fight obesity, not obese people. >> that's a very good point. showing people ostracized in real life perpetuates the problem. let's find a different way.
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there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ the man in the mirror ♪ ♪ ♪ three years ago a gifted young baseball outfielder made a play that would change the course of his life. >> three games into his college career, cory hahn slid into second, collided with another player and would never walk again. this week the arizona diamondbacks gave cory another chance at his major league dream. >> that is why this is our "favorite story of the day." brian webb reporting from phoenix. >> we proudly and humbly select redraft hahn, cory, center fielder, arizona state university.
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>> reporter: an emotional end to this year's baseball draft, the d'backs picking cory hahn in the 45th round. a young man who hasn't played baseball in years. >> it was a very emotional selection for us to make. with ray montgomery and his staff to come up with the idea and presented it to me. it was a no-brainer. >> reporter: hahn was a top prospect when he passed on the pros to go to college. in only his third game for the asu sun devils, a freak accident ended his career. one moment he was sliding head-first into second. the next he would be paralyzed for life. we spoke to cory by phone from his home in california. >> it was a very happy moment. i was with my parents, and all three of us were smiling ear to ear. it was something that was pretty cool. >> reporter: hahn didn't let his wheelchair slow him down. he took a full course load and became a student coach at asu. fate may have taken his legs, but it couldn't take his pride. >> the reaction has been phenomenal. i've had a ton of support ever since my injury these last few years.
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and it just became more and more with what happened. >> reporter: other teams were thinking of drafting cory this year, too, until the d'backs beat them to the punch. and this isn't only a symbolic gesture. the team plans to put him to work for the organization as soon as possible. >> we don't want to make it just about the selection and about him being a draft pick but about working here full-time employment with the diamondbacks and hopefully make that come to fruition for him and his family. >> how great is that story? >> brian webb from our station in phoenix. you played baseball. >> yep. >> this must strike a chord with you, this kind of story. >> the first thing that comes to mind to me, just as i'm showing my age here, when i played baseball we slide with feet first, instead of head first. that came a little later. my little league days were back in the '70s and we slid with our feet. a tragic story but a wonderful gesture. >> i love it's not just about the draft pick. they're going to put him to work. that's the best part of the story.
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>> announcer this morning on
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this morning on "world news now" -- attorney anxiety. legal teams on both sides of the george zimmerman case question hundreds of jurors. the challenge ahead in the racially-charged case. where is he? the search for edward snowden. the young man in the middle of a scandal involving secret government eavesdropping. the new details about this young computer whiz, what neighbors are saying and what feds are demanding. also, why there is so much outrage. then, sleeping together is almost impossible for abc's dr. jennifer ashton and her husband. >> she says i disrupt her sleep. i snore. >> causes me to wake up from my sleep three or four times a night. >> what experts discovered in their sleep habits might help you, especially at this hour. it's tuesday, june 11th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good tuesday morning, everybody. diana is back. welcome back. >>hank you so much. going back to that snoring story. >> that's a good one. >> that's a tough one. are you a snorer? >> i'm not much of a snorer. every now and then if it's pollen season and i get a cold, not as a rule. i wouldn't blame somebody -- >> kick them out. >> you're out of there. >> i have a couple stories of my own to share. >> really? i can't wait. okay. let's get to the news now. >> yes. >> we'll get to that in a little bit. we're going to begin with the racially charged murder trial of george zimmerman, 16 months after he shot and killed trayvon martin and started protests across the country. zimmerman returns to a courtroom today as hundreds of potential jurors waited to be questioned. abc's marci gonzalez is there. >> reporter: the judge denied the defense's request to delay the start of the trial.
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it began here yesterday. so attorneys questioned the first four potential jurors. >> the record will reflect the presence of mr. zimmerman. >> reporter: george zimmerman, the man accused of killing an unarmed teenager in florida, in the courtroom as attorneys began trying to narrow a jury pool of about 500 people down to the six who will decide zimmerman's fate. >> can you estimate how many times you may have heard or read, talked about the case -- >> reporter: the attorneys have questioned four potential jurors so far, focusing on what they may have already heard about that february night that zimmerman says he shot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin in self-defense. zimmerman's wife and brother in court here in sanford, florida, as he faces a second-degree murder charge. >> i believe it's an improper charge altogether. i wish they would just withdraw it. >> reporter: to many in this florida city, this is a case about race. not just for those who believe martin was targeted because he was black, but analysts say in part for the attorneys trying to narrow 500 potential jurors down to the 6 who will decide zimmerman's fate.
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>> if i'm the defense, i want an all-white juror, an educated juror. if you're the prosecution, you want a juror that is more likely to find a verdict based on emotion. >> reporter: the emotion understatedly present from the handful of protesters gathered outside to the martin family, stone-faced in the courtroom as this trial begins. >> we are relieved that the start of the trial is here with the jury selection. as we seek justice for trayvon. we also seek a fair and impartial trial. >> reporter: and the trial resumes at 9:00 this morning. jury selection is expected to last anywhere between one and three weeks. john and diana. >> thank you very much, marci. ariel castro appears in court tomorrow to be arraigned on more than 300 charges, including murder, kidnapping and rape. investigators are still poring over the home in cleveland where
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castro is accused of holding three young women for a decade. there were seven different search warrants at the house. what fbi agents are seeking remains a secret. a southwest flight was diverted to phoenix after a telephone bomb threat. the jet landed safely in phoenix. it was sent to an isolated area of the airport. passengers were taken off the plane and after a thorough search, no explosives were found. a bizarre incident involving a chinese passenger jet is under investigation. check out the huge dent in the air china plane's nose cone. investigators are now trying to figure out what caused the damage. the collision happened at 26,000 feet. they ruled out it was a bird strike since no blood or feathers were found. some speculated that it was either a drone or a ufo. >> wow. the justice department now starting the process of charging whistle-blower edward snowden in connection with the leaked documents. the journalist just announced this morning there's a lot more significant revelations to come. here's abc's tahman bradley.
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the man who admitted leaking top secret documents will spying programs is on the run. abc news learned edward snowden checked out of this hotel in hong kong. it's here that snowden used the code name verax to communicate with the "washington post." it's not clear where the 29-year-old nsa contract worker is headed but he knows it's unlikely he'll avoid capture. >> if they want to get you, they'll get you. that's a fear i live under the rest of my life. however long that happens to be. >> reporter: hong kong and u.s. have an extradition treaty. china could refuse to hand over snowden if they believe the request is politically motivated. >> if he stays in hong kong, you know, there are real questions. does the government of hong kong and china, maybe more importantly, view this as the kind of case where they want to draw the line and say, you know what, we're going to battle on this one. >> he's a traitor. the president outlined last week that these were important national security programs to
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help keep americans safe and give us tools to fight the terrorist threat that we face. >> reporter: snowden's mother in maryland declined to comment but a neighbor who noticed he was always on his computer did. >> i thought he was doing schoolwork. and come to find out, he didn't even graduate from high school. >> reporter: snowden has his defenders. thousands have signed a petition on the white house website calling him a national hero and demanding president obama grant him a pardon. snowden claims he has more top-secret documents, including the names of hundreds of secret agents. john and diana, the fbi is scrambling to find him. >> thank you. a grand jury in philadelphia is set to investigate last week's building collapse that killed six people and injured 13 others. the contractor hired to demolish the downtown building is defending himself. he claims he never ordered the excavator operator at the site to use heavy equipment for the demolition. for the first time we're hearing from a survivor who was in a thrift store next door to the
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building being torn down. >> i felt this shaking, like an earthquake, and then i heard a gust of wind come in. and i seen the wall and the dust cloud. >> she says she ran for her life, thinking only of her seven children. former nfl star chad johnson is in a south florida jail right now after a playful slap in a courtroom. johnson was in court to finalize a plea deal in a domestic violence case that was supposed to keep him out of jail. when the judge accused johnson was not taking it seriously and sentenced johnson to 30 days. johnson said he had no intention of making a joke. the judge, unmoved. >> i'm watching the video. it doesn't look all that like it's behind the guy's back. almost like a fist pump or
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pat -- it's not the best thing but would you put a man in jail for 30 days because he patted his lawyer's butt? >> i have a couple thoughts about this. first of all, he's an athlete and this is what they do. >> this is kind of what they do. >> he's surrounded by men. this is like a job well done in the world of athletes. i'm surprised he didn't chest-bump the guy. >> right. but i mean, it was kind of subtle. >> right. secondly, i have a funny feeling this judge was none too happy with the fact this plea deal had come to pass. >> maybe. >> and maybe this was her way of letting chad johnson know how she really felt about the whole thing. >> maybe. he could have gotten up to a year so you could say he got off easy. he wasn't jumping up and down and laughing going, yes! just a little -- >> a subtle way of celebration. hey, watch it! >> let me demonstrate. >> no, no, no, no. next story. talking about tim tebow, apparently to the new england patriots. tebow and the patriots. word is that the controversial new york jet will have a medical
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exam with new england today. if all goes well, he'll be signed by the team. he won't be the starting quarterback, that's tom brady's job, but the patriots' coach has a history of giving new opportunities to players who is careers have stalled. he sells a lot of jerseys. he can play a bit. he's no tom brady, but, heck, he can play. while we're talking sports, how about unique perspective of wnba game. from over the weekend. >> this came from the referee wearing head cam. it's a head-mounted video camera. the players and coaching got a kick out of this. we have to admit, it did offer some floor-level shots we've never seen before. the company that made it said the idea is simple, to get viewers as close to the action as possible. that's cool, ref cam. >> it brings you down to where the action is. >> use it sparingly. that's what i think. >> it's okay. coming up -- charging your cell phone without having to plug it in. finally. the low-tech breakthrough.
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to avoid hang-ups. looking fine at 49. an actor you may remember from "beverly hills 90210" buffs up and slims down for a high-profile gig. you're watching "world news now." up and slims down for a high profile gil gig. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ get jig request with it >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by finish quantum powerball. male annouer ] pele are switc anit sng.. l across arica. just c do. ♪ so take the finish shtoe challenge d get up
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given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ i'm so tired i'm feeling so upset ♪ are you sitting on a couch right now watching us because your husband or wife is hogging the bed or snoring? you're not alone. >> yeah. many americans say they have developed issues in their relationships because of the struggle of trying to sleep next to their loved one. abc's dr. jennifer ashton put her husband and their sleep to the test. >> reporter: a quarter of married couples say they sleep in separate beds just to get a good night's sleep. >> i can't deal with this anymore. i can't sleep. >> usually turns out to be somebody stomping off to the couch. >> reporter: i'm embarrassed to admit, i often move to a different room. >> she says i disrupt her sleep, i snore. >> it causes me to wake up from my sleep three or four times a night.
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>> reporter: even though we're both doctors, we have long lasting debated what's going on so we called in professional help. chief researcher wendy troxel. >> what's your goal here? >> reporter: i would like tosle single night. she put us to test. measuring our brain activity while we slept. the sleep study will confirm scientifically that his snoring disrupts my sleep. the first night, side by side. >> snoring woke me up. >> reporter: with rob, i had 173 awakenings, sleep science lingo for coming out of deep sleep. the next night couldn't come soon enough. >> i get to sleep by myself. >> reporter: but to my great surprise, alone i had 135 awakenings, nearly as many as when i slept with rob. >> there was a link between rob's snoring and you having these little awakenings from sleep.
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>> reporter: but it wasn't all rob's fault. >> you continued to have awakenings throughout the night even when he stopped snoring. >> reporter: because science confirms women are lighter sleepers than men. biologically our brains are conditioned to just wake up. the good news, women are better sleepers than men and quickly fall back to sleep again. but the doctor says the bad news for women is we often think we sleep worse than we really do. i was proof. the study showed my overall sleep quality was actually excellent both nights. >> your sleep on the night you were sleeping with rob as compared to the night when you were sleeping alone -- >> reporter: be quiet. >> -- was virtually identical. >> reporter: but for rob, he got an extra 20 minutes of deep sleep with me by his side. >> i'm telling you, there are actually health benefits, at least for rob sleeping with you. >> now i feel really guilty. >> reporter: because research shows men sleep better with a partner than alone. and protecting sleep for both of us means protecting our marriage.
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it is important to remember to exclude medical causes of insomnia and snoring like sleep apnea, but make sleep a priority, your good health and your relationship may depend on it. dr. jennif ashton, abc news, new york. >> how cute. >> any sleep issues? >> well -- >> you want to kill him? does he snore? >> yeah. more often than not, i'm doing what the doctor there does. you've got to go or i'm hitting the road. >> you give him a nudge and -- >> yes, very much so. >> we all know that. >> sorry, honey, the secret's out. >> you got to go, man. still to come, the transformation of a former teen idol. >> how the former star of "beverly hills 90210" discovered his six-pack. he debuted that new rock solid body surrounded by screaming women. next half hour, the improvements to the iphone and ipad. big announcements from apple and if they can keep the company on top. we'll let you know. you're watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ getting jiggy with it ♪ getting jiggy with it a former "beverly hills 90210" heart throb is ending his 40s with a hot, sexy new look. >> ian ziering debuting that new look on stage with the chippendales. abc's tai hernandez shows us the new role. >> reporter: 9021 -- oh my. former '90s teen idol ian ziering has hearts pounding again. now at 49, the man formerly known as steve sanders, is leaving ladies in a whole new zip code begging for more. >> back then i couldn't do this. >> reporter: abc news caught up with him at rio hotel in vegas, home of the famed chippendales theater where he reveals how he felt when he got the call. >> immediately my head raced to
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the vision of chris farley and patrick swayze doing that chippendale routine on "saturday night live." i wasn't feeling like the patrick swayze guy. >> reporter: in three months he dropped an astonishing 30 pounds. with those pecs, chiselled abs, mixed with the famous french cuffs the bow tie, you have to wonder how he did it. >> the first five days it was strictly protein. then you stay away from the bad fat, pasta, pizza, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. i have to stop talking. i'm starting to salivate. >> reporter: but it wasn't just a diet. >> i had a vision board the way i wanted to see, 180, and i had the playing cards of chippendales with all these guys on them. it was very motivating. >> reporter: what does his wife think of her sexy new man? >> as the weight came off me, the flirty texts started to appear. >> reporter: the "dancing with the stars" alum says it wasn't compared with the days in the ball room. >> "dancing with the stars" was a completely different animal. there's five or six things you
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have to think about with every beat. >> reporter: ian says being eye candy in vegas has been the time of his life. he even says he's invited his old buddies from 90210 to come see the show. >> i got a call from jason. he wants to see the show. luke is definitely coming out. jenny just hit me up on twitter. i got to give a call to shannen. and gabrielle and the other girls and see what's going on. maybe i can get them out here for a party. >> reporter: a 90210 reunion in vegas that will likely stay in vegas. abc news, new york. >> what's his secret? >> suddenly he gets flirty texts from the wife. the secret is don't eat and work out like crazy. >> hey! look at that long hair. when did you grow that hair out? >> i went on vacations and let it grow a little bit. pecs still look the same. >> hair is the only thing that changed. under all of this is that, is that what you're saying? >> exactly like that. >> i didn't know that. >> you didn't know? >> i'm speechless.
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i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at
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there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. i don't think too many men will disagree with this. men are more immature than women. >> i don't think women will disagree with you. >> i believe it. i don't think it's a dis. guys don't quite grow up. for a long, long time. a new study pinpoints when boys mature. apparently you mature completely at 43 years old. >> that's a long time. >> that's 11 years after women. >> really? >> the maturity between genders finds out males remain immature well into their late 30s and early 40s. i would agree. contrast, age at which women mature is age 32. and eight out of ten women believe men never stop acting childish and their biggest childish guilts are farting,
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burping, eating fast food and playing video games. >> i'm guilty of all of those. did i just do that on tv? >> don't think i reached my maturity level. >> you like farts? >> i think they're funny. i eat junk food. >> you don't burp? >> no. breaking wind is the number one quality. of an immature man. they still make me laugh. they're funny. >> i know. >> classic comedy. i'm telling you. so, we're both immature. >> well, we haven't reached our peak yet apparently. this is really cool. have you ever walked down the street and thought, man, oh, man, my phone is about to die. i wish i had a way to charge this without going to a docking station. >> yep. >> check this out. there's a new campaign on kick-start, a website where you can raise money and goes to the funds where you're trying to raise money. this is called solepower. the way it works is that you snake a charger through your laces, goes into your foot, plug it into a wire that goes in your battery. you walk. the energy of you walking is transferred into the battery.
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and then you can unplug the battery, put it back in your phone and, voila, have you a charged battery. it's pretty interesting. called solepower. >> and gets you to walk. >> they are trying to raise $50,000 on kickstart. that's what i told you about. this is a prototype right now. i would buy it. >> awesome. a couple at an ikea met in the photo department, got married eight years later and decided we're going to get married at ikea in the photo department. eight years later they went back to the scene of the crime. they found love in the photo department. it's the one in elizabeth, new jersey. you know that ikea -- >> i pass it every day going home. >> the staff and everybody took part. this is interesting, by the way, it wasn't so simple. apparently, the woman, her 14-year-old daughter was suspended from school that day and they were running errands with the mom when they bumped into that guy. and the 14-year-old daughter said, he's cute and she egged the both of them on and the rest is history. married at the ikea. wonder if they had swedish
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this morning on "world news now" -- intense manhunt. the 29-year-old whistle-blower in the middle of the government's eavesdropping scandal. his disappearance and the outrage over the secrets he shared. unusual weapon. police say in texas a woman used a high-heel shoe to kill a university professor. what friends say about the suspect as she gets ready to face a judge today. tragic discovery. the 19-year-old indiana woman worried about her safety. what she told everyone before her disappearance. what police are saying this morning. hollywood bombshell, the man who claims he had a six-year affair with michael jackson before his death. is there any truth to the story? that's in "the skinny" today, tuesday, june 11th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now," with john muller and diana perez. good tuesday morning.
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that's just one of the many, many stories we have in "the skinny." >> we have a bonus "skinny" today. we have so many good stories. >> so many good stories, so many pictures. things you'll be talking about and laughing about all long. we can't wait. we do have to get started with this. we'll begin this half hour with new details on the whistle-blower, edward snowden. the justice department has started the process of charging the 29-year-old high school dropout with federal crimes, even though he disappeared. >> new this morning "the guardian" newspaper who broke the story promises new details. here's abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross. >> reporter: until he checked out, edward snowden had been holed up in luxury in hong kong, at the mirror hotel. by his own account, every meal came from room service. pillows were stuffed under the door to prevent eavesdropping, he cloaked his face with a red hood and he used the code name verax to communicate with "the washington post". he told "the guardian" he knew the u.s. would be coming after him, maybe with hit teams.
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>> that's a fear i live for the rest of my life, however long that appears to be. >> reporter: u.s. officials said snowden is being pursued only because he revealed secrets used to track terrorists. >> classified information that caused harm to our national security interest is a problem. >> he's a traitor. the president outlined last week that these were important national security programs to help keep americans safe and give us tools to fight the terrorist threat that we face. >> reporter: snowden says americans need to know about the surveillance and collection their government is carrying out. >> the nsa specifically targets the communications of everyone. it ingests them by default. >> reporter: snowden was never under suspicion until he disappeared from his job as a technician at nsa in hawaii around the 1st of may, claiming medical leave for epilepsy. neighbors there said he just vanished one day. his mother in maryland declined to comment, but a neighbor there said snowden was always at his
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computer as a young man. >> i thought he was doing schoolwork. and come to find out, he didn't even graduate from high school. >> reporter: but by the age of 29, snowden claimed he had the top secret resume, for someone who dropped out of high school, starting with nsa security guard, followed by a brief failed attempt to become a special forces soldier. then a huge jump, a cia spy in switzerland, working with computers. and then four years as a civilian contractor working with computers at the nsa in japan, washington and hawaii. where he says he decided to blow the whistle on what he calls the abuse of the privacy rights of americans. wherever snowden is he apparently has with him even more top-secret documents, including the names of hundreds of secret agents. he says he chose to go to hong kong because the territory has a history of allowing free speech, but it also has an extradition treaty with the united states. brian ross, abc news, washington.
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>> wow. >> wow. and there's a lot more to come. >> oh, yes. >> so, glenn greenwald of "the guardian," the newspaper who released all of this, who he went to, says they have a lot more, more to come. the reporter says we'll have a lot more significant revelations that have not yet been heard over the next several weeks and months. he says they're working with the 29-year-old to determine when to release this and how to release this. >> you just hope names of special agents and things don't get released. at any rate, the fbi is taking over the investigation, according to the "new york times" this morning. they're reporting that. agents are trying to locate him and charge him formally in order to extradite him. you have to have formal charges in order to start the extradition process. probably no matter where he goes, you know, it might delay the process if he goes to another country. but probably it's just going to delay it. sooner or later he'll wind up here in the u.s. >> that's what's it sounding like. he has supporters. >> oh, of course. >> there's a faction of people who have started to sign a
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petition to get him pardoned. that's a whole entire other aspect of this story, but there's still two very strong sides to this. >> no doubt about it. day two of jury selection getting under way in sanford, florida, in the george zimmerman murder trial. zimmerman is accused of shooting to death trayvon martin 16 months ago. zimmerman was introduced to prospective jurors. the attorneys questioned four potential jurors out of a pool of 500 potential jurors. martin's parent were there, relieved the trial is starting. accused cleveland kidnapper ariel castro appears in court tomorrow. the former bus driver faces more than 300 charges, including rape and murder. he intends to plead not guilty. investigators continue to search his house, where he's accused of holding three young women for nearly a decade. the search for a 19-year-old woman who vanished in southern indiana has apparently ended in tragedy. police announced last night they found a body in a rural area and they believe it's katelyn wolfe, now, they are waiting for positive identification. she was last seen early thursday
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morning. just before she disappeared, though, she posted on facebook she was being followed. a houston woman accused of fatally stabbing her boyfriend with a stiletto heel claims self-defense. ana trujillo. she was due in court this morning to be formally charged. the victim found dead in his luxury high-rise with head wounds. the one man who new trujillo, the gruesome crime was not a surprise. >> twice she told me, if anybody messed with her, she said, i'll get them with this. she's a strong woman. i wouldn't want to get into it. she'd whoop me. >> the boyfriend was identified as a research professor in the university of houston biology and biochemistry department. girls of any age may soon be able to buy the morning-after pill without a prescription. the obama administration has reversed course and decided not to fight a judge's ruling in the controversial case. women's rights advocates applaud the move saying it was steps forward in productive justice. others argue it takes away parental rights.
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a big section of the country is getting hammered once again by yet another line of severe storms. the wild weather is raking over the south and now moving east, unleashing destructive twisters along the way. abc's david kerley has the latest. >> reporter: the tornado target 40 miles north of nashville, just across the border, hitting adairville, kentucky. >> this just went over top of us. >> reporter: a near perfect funnel formation of this tornado which blew over the small town. one official told us two elderly ladies rode out the storm, huddled together in a bathtub. >> their house is pretty well destroyed, but they both survived with minor injuries. they were taken to the hospital and released. >> reporter: while this tornado was not that wide nor powerful, it still left its mark. >> we had a tornado come through, damaged five to seven houses, pretty well destroyed several barns and buildings. nobody was injured seriously. >> reporter: soon after the storm passed, the sun was out and belongings already being moved out of damaged buildings. firefighters lending a hand.
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this year's tornado season started late but it has been a month to remember. the devastation and death in moore, oklahoma, and then 11 days later, the widest path of destruction on record. >> that whole thing is rotating. >> those are vortices going around. >> reporter: the el reno tornado, 2 1/2 miles at its widest spot. >> oh, my gosh, that is huge. >> reporter: it was. and this is far from the end of tornado season. david kerley, abc news, washington. moving onto your tuesday forecast now. stormy from montana to the western great lakes. showers in the pacific northwest. record heat in the southwest. thunderstorms across south texas, louisiana and florida. morning thunderstorms in the northeast. 78 in new york, 80s from baltimore down to miami and for much of the midwest. 90s from albuquerque to new orleans. triple digits in phoenix and colorado springs. big argument going on right now in west lafayette, indiana. at issue is a big banana painted on the side of a building. >> here's background on that banana.
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a banana is part of the logo of a property called. fwran it management. the building that that giant banana is painted on is owned by that company. >> they say it's meant to be a piece of art. the argument is whether it's protected as a form of speech or should be considered commercial speech and, therefore, regulated. it doesn't look bad -- >> it doesn't look bad? >> i guess it does. and you don't want that as your next door neighbor. >> enormous yellow banana. i don't know about that. >> yeah. as scott said in our ear, our producer scott, has a certain a-peel. nicely done, scott. >> ba-dum. >> yeah, you don't want -- >> what if the house next to is it is for sale? what if i'm trying to sell my house and i have people coming in and they're looking at this huge banana next to the house and they're thinking, first get that thing painted and then i'll think about buying your house. >> i'm with you. >> no thank you. coming up, the man who claims he had a six-year romance with the late king of pop. apple's big announcement and
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the changes to the ipad and iphone. will it keep apple customers as loyal as ever? we'll find out next. you're watching "world news now." ♪ you push a little button ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by the child's fund. ne ghes.
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oh, is it bug bite, allergy, rash, poison ivy? [ male announcer ] thenly medicine you need is lanacane. it stops itching fast. kills germs too. for fast relief, choose lanacane cream or first aid spray.
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♪ you push a little button and go ♪ you push a little button and goes down ♪ all right. there will be new buttons and a
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whole lot more on the redesigned iphone and ipad. >> apple announced sweeping changes to the operating system. the idea is to make your device easy again. joanne stern has more. >> reporter: the iphone and ipad are about to look a lot different, or come the fall. apple announced ios 7, the next version of its operating system for the iphone and ipad. they announced it here at the worldwide developers conference. >> ios 7, the biggest change to ios since the iphone. >> reporter: the biggest difference between the software is the design. apple completely scrapped the old design. they did away with the text you might see in game center, that casino look. they've completely created a new look and feel to the software. they've also added a number of software features. it's not just about the design. they've added some new camera features, like the ability to add a filter to a photo, very similar to instagram. they also added some new siri features. siri even has a new voice. >> okay. i found this on wikipedia. >> reporter: they also added new usability features. it's easier to multitask when when you double-click the home
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button you'll see what the actual apps look like. you can go to the control center by swiping the bottom and turn off wi-fi or other handy features you need. >> we see ios 7 as defining a new direction. and in many ways, a beginning. >> reporter: apple is expected to release ios 7 later this fall for iphone 4, 4s and 5. apple is also expected to release a new iphone later this year. joanna stern, abc news, san francisco. >> well, apple also plans to launch a new radio service as well. their hopes are competing with pandora. >> not surprisingly it's going to be called itunes radio. the system lets listeners create stations based on their favorite artists. it has more than 200 stations and includes a social media component. itunes radio about what other users are talking about. it's free but you can expect a couple of ads. so it is identical to pandora but it's pretty cool.
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>> no, absolutely. i finally got an iphone about a month ago. just in time for it to be a relic. >> you're learning all kinds of new things with your phone. >> no, absolutely, and you're helping me. i appreciate that. android, google, microsoft windows phone also have done a lot to improve the look and feel of their software as well, so the next generation. >> that's right. it's going to roll out and it's going to be great, as they always are. i'm an iphone lover. i'm a little biased. tiger woods' ex-wife and jane lynch have something in common. it's not what you think. an unforgettable picture of attorney erin brokovich. "the skinny" comes to you in two parts. starting next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc station.
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♪ skinny so skinny all right. welcome to "the skinny" and we start with a train wreck. >> all right. bring it on. >> rachel uchitel, ex-girlfriend of tiger woods, not the ex-wife, is now apparently getting a divorce from her current husband. his name is mark hahn and he's apparently citing cruel and inhumane treatment and wants out of this -- >> cruel and inhumane? okay. >> wants out of this one and a half year marriage. as you remember, she's the alleged former mistress of tiger woods. this story comes to us from tmz.
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and she is the reason tiger woods kind of -- the flood gates opened up with him and all of these women came forward. she was the first of many. she's also allegedly the reason they got a divorce. tiger woods and elin. anyway, this mark is saying he's treated unfairly. cruel and inhumane treatment. they've apparently gotten into a lot of altercations. uchitel allegedly slapped him in a recent argument. now, uchitel's attorney says she wants to resolve this amicably quickly, quietly and out of the media. yeah, right. they have a 1-year-old daughter together. i said mark hahn. it's matt. matt hahn. how quickly we forget. another breakup, "glee" star jane lynch and her wife of nearly three years, lara embry, are planning to divorce according to "people" magazine. the "glee" star, 52 years old, embry, 44, met at a 2009 fund-raiser. she was being honored at that, the "glee" star. a year later they were married
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in massachusetts but it didn't work out. lara and i have decided to end our marriage. it's been a difficult decision for us. we care deeply for each other and we ask for privacy as we deal with this family matter. >> that's too bad. seem like a happy couple. we've seen on hbo "behind the candelabra" about liberace's life. there was a book also and the inspiration behind the movie and it was written by scott thorson, the former lover of liberace. well, he has come out to say that there was a whole lot of other things that these guys were also involved in, him especially, was the secret lover of michael jackson. >> really? >> so he claims, liberace introduced me to jackson in the late '70s when "thriller" was coming out and he and michael became lovers. he talked about this in the national enquirer in 2004 where he said they climbed into bed together and had an hour-long love-making session.
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jackson's attorney at the time denied all the claims. now he's come out in a new interview with "the sun" and he's saying not only was it a one-time deal, we were lovers for six or seven years. he also said michael was very generous, too. he treated me very well. now, there you have it. now scott has a reputation problem. he has a mug shot where he was charged with burglary. that's him. now he's living the high life, back to being on the bunny ranch and admired -- >> and michael can't say anything -- >> michael can't say anything because he's not with us and everyone has something to say about michael. all of a sudden. >> amanda bynes. are you ready for this one? she says some seemingly crazy things on twitter. she tweeted she's looking forward to a career as rapper. and listen to this, music producer daniel herman told radar online that he is willing to give the retired nickelodeon star a shot and that they actually will make a rap album. and he said, i think she's more gangster than drake. how about that? coming up in "the skinny," a bonus round.
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>> mug shot you want to see. stick with us. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. bonus round. >> mug shot you want to see. stick around. [ female announcer ] what makes you walk a little taller?
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and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to the bonus round of "the skinny." there's just so much stuff to tell you about today. we couldn't just do one segment of "the skinny," so here goes round two. we start with an incredible mug shot that we just had to share with you. everybody remembers erin brokovich, the movie back in 2000 with julia roberts. >> oh, my goodness. >> the real erin brokovich was arrested for boating while intoxicated. there she is in all her glory. 52-year-old. >> oh, my goodness. >> yeah, yeah. she's an environmental activist. she has apologized for what happened. this statement was sent out
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sunday. it says -- she looks much better there, by the way. at no point was the boat away from the dock and there was no public safety risk. that being said, i take drunk driving very seriously. this was clearly a big mistake. i know better and i am very sorry. this happened in lake mead near las vegas. her blood alcohol level was twice the legal 0.08. >> do you think she's more embarrassed by the charge or that photo? >> i think it's equally terrible. >> wow. >> well, i shouldn't say that. that's -- >> i mean that's -- >> it's just a bad picture. >> quality mug shot there. >> it is a bad picture. her behavior is -- >> she's probably out there on the boat the whole day but, wow, wow. that's -- the judge is like, punishment enough. no, that's not true. kelly clarkson recently got
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married to her fiancee. put up a picture of h looking all beautiful on the cover of --ne wearing -- cheche re? check out that ring there apparently at cma music festival in nashville on saturday in le singing her number one hit "stronger,s, i don't have my ring on. and as she's doing this, she's really freaking ing, she talked to the fans about i apologized to her fiance she twittered, for all my cd fa >> tweeted. snush >> tweetered, twitted. thank you. i found my r >> oh, good. >> she didn't wantthat >> it's special. u ttnd 150k, are you g e? moving on to justin bieber. because no "skinny" segment is complete without justin bieber. being sued because the bodyguard seized a memory card. i don't know about this one.
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breaking overnight, new details in the government spy scandal. >> the reporter who broke the story says there's more to come from the one-time nsa contractor turned international fugitive. as the house speaker weighs in an abc news exclusive. new video just in. severe spring storms spawning new tornadoes in parts of the country not used to such ferocious weather. mid-air mystery. the giant jet dent without a cause. did a drone crush the nose of this packed airliner? plus this -- ♪ i believe i can fly >> delayed plane passengers there, uniting and singing, what else? "i believe i can fly."


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